Monday 3 August 2015

Filming our video

On 29/7( Wednesday) , we went to Jasilyn's house to film our video. We filmed for about 5 hours, me being the main actor and Jasilyn being the main actress.It was actually more productive because the dog was more disciplined.

The video is about the actress (Jasilyn)'s dog running out of the house after her forgetfulness.Then she search on instagram , #missingpetsinsg. Then she chanced upon petfie, so she decides to try out and download Petfie. She used her old pet photos to upload on Petfie and indicated the location where she lost the dog.

A while after the actress(Jasilyn) sent the lost dog profile out, the main actor (me) using Petfie received the notification that he was nearby the lost dog. Coincidentally, actor(me) saw the dog and realised it was the missing dog that actress(Jasilyn) indicated. Since actress(Jasilyn) left contact on the lost pet profile, actor(me) contacted her. They arranged a meeting after they contacted each other.

The dog was successfully returned to its rightful owner via the help of the app Petfie.

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